Smitha Arons Bio

Smitha Aarons

Athlete: Smitha Arons

Lives City/State: San Diego, CA

Go to Orange Mud Gear: VP2

Primary Sport: Running 

What’s your passion, your joy in life, anything special you’d like to share. I started running at the ripe old age of 35 because I could no longer play on the floor with my kids. I would become short of breath just rolling around on the floor with them. Running became a way for me to take control of my life and the way I felt. 4 years later, running, meeting people who run and loving the run has become my passion. My strength has been to bring people together thru a mutual love of running.

What sports do you participate in? Running

What is your favorite race food? Gerber Pureed Mangos or Clif Sweet Potato Sea Salt. (I like real food on the run)

What is your go to hydration mix? Skratch in Matcha Green Tea flavor

Do you have a major quirk you’d like to share? I LOVE like LOVE LOVE want to marry boiled red potatoes dipped in sea salt. And flat coke. That is why I should be an Ultra runner but have never run one.

If you were relate to an animal, what would it be? I would have to say a Beaver because they are able to change the course of rivers and streams in one day. Because they have to. Kind of like being a mother. There are a lot of things you have to do. Fast!

If a newbie to your sport asked for one piece of advice, what would it be? Forward is a Pace!

Do you have any racing pet peeves? I wrote a whole post about this 

What do you do for fun? RUN, duh! Also, spend time with family and friends, read, cook. 

What is your post race ritual? A beer. I love a post race beer!

How long have you been running? 4 years

Why do you enjoy the sport? Runners are the friendliest people in the world. Requires no equipment except for my VP2 and shoes and I can just go.

What's your favorite trail race? I will say the Pacific Crest Trail 50 miler. I have never done it but I have paced it twice and it is a great atmosphere!

What's your favorite local trail? Los Penasquitos Canyon

What's your go to piece of Orange Mud gear and why? VP2 because it has easy access to all the important items. Phone, food, drink! And I can throw it in the laundry without much fuss!

Profession and educational background? I am a lawyer by day.

What is your biggest accomplishment in your sport? That in 4 short years, I have run 3 full marathons and almost 20 Half Marathons.

Do you have a set training schedule and if so, what's it like? If not, how do you decide what to do? Not yet but my coach Jenn of is due to write me a plan soon for my upcoming back to back marathons in the spring.

What's your dream race?  The Rome Marathon

Favorite book for athletes? The Feed Zone by Skratch Labs

Do you listen to audiobooks or music during exercise? Podcasts especially My Dad Wrote a Porno. (HILARIOUS!)

 What advice would you give to a new runner coming into the sport? Don’t give up. Your bad runs prep you for your good ones.

Where do you draw your inspiration from? My daughter who was diagnosed with epilepsy when she was 18 months old. She is the bravest person I know.

Have you struggled with any injuries? I am currently dealing with hip bursitis. How do you manage them?  I run when it doesn’t hurt and rest when it does. I also ice and nag my doctor.

Anything else you’d like to share? Running is a community. Whether you run 5Ks or run 100 milers, run solo or in a group. You belong because you are a runner!

What was the best advice you were ever given? When running stops being fun, stop running. The itch to run will always come back.

What is your favorite local running or biking store? Movin Shoes in Encinitas and Pacific Beach, San Diego

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