Hydration Pack FAQs

Bottle Based Pack FAQ

Q: How do I reach the bottles? A: Can you scratch the back of your head? If so, that’s where the bottle is, just reach back while in your normal stride and it’s easy to grab! 

Q: The excess straps flop around and are driving me crazy. What do I do with them? A: Look right behind the tensioner on the front and you'll see a narrow band of elastic. Take the end of the strap and tuck it in there. Notice that the end of the strap has a tab on it? That's so it doesn't pull out.

Q: How do I wear the bottle based packs? A: The key to fit is to cinch the sides first and get them nice and snug. This sets the anchor and makes them super stable so you don’t have any movement. 

Q: How do I wash the bottles? A: Hand washing is always best. The top rack of the dishwasher is safe too! 

Q: Will the straps through my armpits rub me raw? It seems weird....A: Our packs are designed for running. Doing so creates some fun challenges and as such they aren't as comfortable to wear around your house, at least not properly anyway. But when you first get it in the mail that's probably where you will put it on and think "man this fit is different". Well your right, it is! But don't let that scare you away. Cinch it up tight, nice and snug leaving about a thumbs thickness under the straps and take it for a test drive. Remember we have a money back guarantee too. We just ask that you give it three trees and after that we’re confident you’ll find the optimum fit! 

Q: The excess straps flop around and are driving me crazy. What do I do with them? A: Look right behind the tensioner on the front and you'll see a narrow band of elastic. Take the end of the strap and tuck it in there. Notice that the end of the strap has a tab on it? That's so it doesn't pull out.

Q: Do you have somewhere to hold my phone? A: The shoulder pockets are perfect for storing your phone if it’s not a huge beast. Huge beast, that’s ok too. Any of our packs with chest pockets will hold plus sized phones or you can store them in the back.

Q: I worry about losing my keys, do you have a place to securely store them? A: All of our packs have a secure key clip to ensure they stay where they belong.

Q: I run in sketchy places sometimes, what have you done to address safety? A: All of our packs that have a chest strap have a safety whistle built into the top strap. 

Q: I am a petite person, which packs will fit be best? A: All of our packs except the HydraQuiver Double Barrel will fit you very well. Our most popular for petite runners are the HydraQuiver Single Barrel, Vest Pack 1, RFP, Gear Vest, and Endurance Pack.

Q: I'm built tough, will your pack fit me? A: Yes!

  • HydraQuiver Single Barrel - No problem, this pack fits nearly everyone. 
  • HydraQuiver Double Barrel - Absolutely! There is no chest strap to cause fit issues. 
  • HydraQuiver Vest Pack 1 and 2 - Only limits at a 50 to 52" chest.
  • Gear Quiver - Fits everyone! 
  • Gear Vest, Endurance Pack will fit awesome. If you're above a 52" chest we'd suggest the Adventure Pack 12L as it's the most generous cut that we have. 

Q: I'm far from scrawny, will your pack fit me? A: Yes!

  • HydraQuiver Single Barrel - No problem, this pack fits nearly everyone. 
  • HydraQuiver Double Barrel - Absolutely! There is no chest strap to cause fit issues. 
  • HydraQuiver Vest Pack 1 and 2 - Only limits at a 50 to 52" chest.
  • Endurance Pack - Up to a 44” chest for running, 42” for riding
  • RFP, two sizes, up to a 44” chest.
  • Adventure Pack 12L and Adventure Pack 20L - Up to a 46”.
  • Gear Quiver - Fits everyone! 

Q: I have a large chest, will your packs work with me? A: The answer to this is tricky to answer politically correct and in general too! 

  • HydraQuiver Single Barrel - No problem, this pack fits nearly everyone. 
  • HydraQuiver Double Barrel - Absolutely! There is no chest strap to cause fit issues. 
  • HydraQuiver Vest Pack 1 and 2 - This is where it gets tricky. The front chest pockets and strap ride higher than most packs. So generally they still fit 90% of large chest, especially if natural. But to be blunt and your chest is not as originally created, the extra firmness of an implant can cause the pockets to shift up a bit which shifts the pack back a bit. Most find that they can still make it work but may require a bit of finessing to get the fit right. 
  • Gear Quiver - Fits everyone! 
  • Endurance Pack, Adventure Pack 12L and 20L, Gear Vest, all fit ladies with chest sizes of small to large wonderfully.

Q: What makes your packs different? A: Lots of things!

  • Fit - Our packs mount on your upper shoulders which is a very stable area while running. Keeping the packs off your torso and lumbar regions ensures that movement is kept to a minimum for a stable run. It's also not a core hot zone on your body so temperature regulation is greatly enhanced. 
  • Temperature Regulation - When you're cold, where do you put your arms? Across your chest right? Notice that our packs don't have front chest pockets, or the ones that do stop just about the nipple line. This keeps breathability at a max! 
  • Bottles - Our bottle based systems allow maximum heat transfer away from your body. Imagine a typical bladder is at least 6" wide and at least 16" long, that's a lot of plastic trapping heat on your back. Our small 2.875" diameter bottles transfer heat right past them easily. Plus you can refill and management fluid levels easy, aid station volunteers will love you, and you likely already have backup bottles in your pantry. 
  • Materials - We use tough materials that will last you a very long time. Endurance racing is hard enough, you shouldn't have to worry about your pack failing. Sure we overkill somethings, but at the expense of a few grams extra you can trust your gear. 
  • Accessory Management - We have a lot of strategic pockets to manage your cell phone while running, electrolytes, food, gels, and more all at quick access. 
  • Breathability - All of our packs are designed with air flow as a major component. We use mesh that isn't typically used in sporting goods, rather generally medical device and military, just so we keep your temps regulated. Plus it's tough too!

Bladder Pack FAQ

Q: How do I wear the pack? A: The first step with all of our hydration packs is to put it on and leave the front loose. Then tighten the side straps which anchors them to the front of your shoulders. This is what controls movement and ensures a rock solid stable pack. Next tighten the front chest straps to just snug, not crazy tight. Then have fun! 

Q: My hydration pack stinks, how do I wash it? A: Yuk! But hey, we get it! Check this link which shows a few options on cleaning. 

Q: I’d like to carry a spare bite valve, do you sell extras? A: Of course! See our bladder/flask/accessory items here

Q: I’d like to buy extra soft flasks for my hydration vest, do you sell them? A: Of course! See our bladder/flask/accessory items here

Q: I’d like to buy an extra hydration bladder for my hydration pack, do you sell them? A: Of course! See our bladder/flask/accessory items here

Q: How do I keep my hydration bladder clean? A: We get asked this one a lot. Here are our tips for a clean bladder

Q: Do you have somewhere to hold my phone? A: The shoulder pockets are perfect for storing your phone if it’s not a huge beast. Huge beast, that’s ok too. Any of our packs with chest pockets will hold plus sized phones or you can store them in the back.

Q: I worry about losing my keys, do you have a place to securely store them? A: All of our packs have a secure key clip to ensure they stay where they belong.

Q: I run in sketchy places sometimes, what have you done to address safety? A: All of our packs that have a chest strap have a safety whistle built into the top strap. 

Q: I am a petite person, which packs will fit be best? A: All of our packs except the HydraQuiver Double Barrel will fit you very well. Our most popular for petite runners are the HydraQuiver Single Barrel, Vest Pack 1, RFP, Gear Vest, and Endurance Pack.


Q: What does your warranty cover? A: We have a 1 year warranty on our products. However, if you ever have a problem please reach out to us via our contact page and explain what the problem is. We can often repair gear if something out of the ordinary happens. 

Q: My soft flask leaks, do you cover this? A: Of course! We use Hydrapak as our vendor partner for all of our flasks and bladders. If you have any problems just fill out this link and a new one will be shipped out within 48 hours. Link 

Q: My hydration bladder leaks, do you cover this? A: Of course! We use Hydrapak as our vendor partner for all of our flasks and bladders. If you have any problems just fill out this link and a new one will be shipped out within 48 hours. Link 

Q: I took a fall on the trail and destroyed my pack, do you help me out on replacing this? A: Madness happens, we get that, reach out via our contact page and we’ll help get you back out and on the trail! 

Return Policy

Q: What is your return policy? A: We have a 30 day return window (full info here) on our products. However, we’re reasonable, just reach out if you change your mind and we’re happy to chat. As far as new/tags on, we don’t care about that. We want you to actually use our gear and ensure you push it to it’s limits before returning. If after doing so and you still don’t like it, just reach out and we’ll provide return instructions to send it back. So go ahead and rip off those tags and put it to work!