Adventure Project - Multi-day Running Tour of Costa Rica - Walter Chinchilla

Multiday running tour of costa rica, Walter Chinchilla

Adventure Project: Multi-day Running Tour of Costa Rica

Adventurer: Walter Chinchilla


Costa Rica

    Project Scope:

    I will be embarking on a running / MTB tour of Costa Rica (Both my wife and I will be on this journey together. Friends and family in multiple provinces will be helping us. The route will be designed in March 2018 during my visit to Costa Rica, but the premise is a multiple day run and the goal is to pass through as many National Parks as possible. If we time it right, which is why I'm waiting to be there in March, we may have the opportunity to climb Mt. Chirripo at Chirripo National Park which would be a great feat! The weather can be very unpredictable at the top around 12,000 feet. 

    What this means to me:

    Marina and I have been married for 14 years. I started running to save my life, due to a very sedimentary lifestyle running a business. I weighed at one point 263lbs, and my doctor told me I would have a heart attack or stroke in six months time, unless I changed my life. 8 months later I was 180lbs and ran my first 26.2 distance. I developed a love for running, and ran my first 50 mile endurance race in 2014, the North Face Endurance Challenge 50 mile in California. I am now 165lbs and feel great. 

    My wife started running with me because she missed me being gone so many hours on the trails and now she too loves running. She ran her first 13.1 distance at the 2015 NFECCA, and shortly after she ran her first 50k distance and did very well. We have since completed 42 mile treks sustained, no aid stations with the exception of planning water stops, and carrying our own nutrition. We enjoy the challenge of being self sufficient. We are both Orange Mud ambassadors and could not do what we do without her Orange Mud Adventure Pack 12L, and my Orange Mud Endurance Pack. We also own the Double Barrel, Vest Pack 2, Arm Sleeves, and a couple buffs. I have throughout my endurance running tried several hydration pack brands and nothing comes close to Orange Mud. 


    October 5th, 2018, and estimating 10 to 12 days to complete. 

    Gear Requirements:

    • Adventure Pack 20L with trekking pole hardware and 3L bladder
    • Folding trekking poles
    • Altra Lone Peak
    • Altra Gaiters
    • Luna Sandals Mono Gordo
    • Tailwind Nutrition Individual packets, green tea caffeinated flavor
    • Socks
    • Buffs
    • Long running pants
    • Med Kit: insect bite kit, epipens, minor abrasion ointments, moleskin, ibufprofen
    • Suunto GPS watch with a high battery life
    • Handheld GPS
    • Headlamp with spare batteries
    • Two man tent
    • Gopro hero camera, remote, 3 way grip
    • USB battery backup
    • Ziplock bags

    Costa Rica