Every runner is aware of the runner’s high, the euphoric rush felt during and after a run. But the reasons for why that exists are much more fascinating...
There’s a reason runners prefer the elements when putting one foot in front of the other, and that’s because treadmills get boring—fast. However, there ...
If you’ve ever wondered what animals you’d be able to outrun, we have bad news. Unless you’re Usain Bolt, the answer is not many. Given the human desire...
As discussed in our post about marathon blues, running is all about progression. It’s about evolving toward the ultimate version of ourselves, the ultim...
CrossFit can no longer be classified as a trend given its staying power—not to mention the massive industry it created. Nevertheless, if you’re part of ...
While life comes with its fair share of uncertainties, there is one universal truth—an undeniable reality of our humanity that no matter what, we must p...
The New Year is about taking the big leap into a “new you.” While that is admirable, we’ve all been at the breaking point weeks into our big leap of ...
Tim Christoni picked up running again after an eight year hiatus in an effort to better his health and has been setting and exceeding running goals ever...