Mallory Billings-Litke #TrainWithOrangeMud Update! - Orange Mud, LLC

Endurance Training & Trail Running Gear

Every year since 2010, I have wanted to hit 1,000 miles for the year have always fallen short. Today during my race, the TARC Spring Classic, I surpassed 500 for the year so I am well on my way! I’ve mostly stuck with half marathons so far in the years that I’ve been running but I’ve got several BIG training goals for this year. Along with some half marathons, I will be doing two marathons, one 6 hour race, a 50k and a 50 miler. My two “goal” races for the year are the 50k and 50 miler. Memorial Day Weekend is around the corner, which means my 50k is as well. Training in New England in the late winter/early spring offers a Mixed bag of weather. I wish I could say that I always opt to run outdoors but I have succumbed to the treadmill on several occasions throughout the past several weeks. That being said, I do solemnly swear that I will not do more than one run per week on the treadmill. It’s finally getting a bit warmer out so I’ve been enjoying the outdoors more often. The nearest trail to me, that I am aware of, is 35-40 minutes away so I very rarely get to do trails during the week and save them for my long run on the weekends. When I do my long runs, I use my car as an aid station, taking along my Orange Mud modular gym bag; I keep my gear organized and accessible so I can be in and out of the car, just as I would in a trail race. On several of my runs during the week, I have been running home from work and I use my Hydraquiver Double Barrel Hydration Pack to aid me during my run commute. I bring my work clothes home on days that I don’t run so all I’ve got to carry is my wallet, phone and keys. I hired a coach for my 50k and I plan to hire the same one for my 50 miler and I can honestly say this is the most consistently I have ever trained. I’ve also become more involved with my local trail running community and have run a few races with them this year. I am getting more comfortable on the trails and am loving every second of this endurance training.

With just a few weeks left until my first 50k, I need to stay focused on a few things: consistency, strength training, nutrition and hydration. My goal is to follow my plan to a T and do all of the miles outside. I need to continue experiencing the variety of weather so that no matter the weather on race day, I’m ready. In the past couple of weeks, I’ve experienced rain, snow, hail and high winds. Even though I hate it in the moment, I know it’s good for me to experience running in this weather. I have not been as strict with my cross training and strength training as I should have been so I am going to make sure that I put more effort into it over the next several weeks. I will incorporate endurance training exercises to enhance my performance. With all of these miles, I know I’m more susceptible to injury, especially if I’m not caring for my body. I’ve been working on my nutrition for the past couple of months and have even been using an app to keep track of everything I eat. As a runner, it’s easy to overestimate how much you can eat, even when logging a lot of miles. I’ve found this to be a useful tool to make sure that I am eating a variety of foods, especially my fruits and vegetables. Lastly, hydration. I sit at a desk all day for work so I am making sure that I drink 32 ounces of water before lunch and another 32 ounces after work. I do not do as well on the weekends but it’s a work in progress. 

Want to follow my progress?  Follow me on Instagram @RunYoginiRun or search #trainwithorangemud