10 best running hacks

10 Best Running Hacks

Running is more than just putting one foot in front of the other. It's a journey of self-discovery, a challenge, a celebration of movement. At Orange Mud, we believe in fueling your passion for running with gear that's as dedicated as you are. But sometimes, it's the little things – those clever hacks and insider tips – that can truly transform your runs from good to great.

Whether you're a seasoned marathoner or just starting out, these 10 running hacks will help you optimize your performance, stay comfortable, and most importantly, have more fun on the trails or pavement:

1. The Pre-Run Ritual: Prime Your Body and Mind

Start your run on the right foot with a well-planned pre-run routine. Hydration is key, so grab your Orange Mud Handheld Running Water Bottle or fill up your HydraQuiver Vest Pack before heading out. Warm up those muscles with dynamic stretches like leg swings and arm circles to prevent injuries and get your blood flowing. And don't forget the mental aspect! Take a few minutes for visualization, set an intention, or simply clear your head. A positive mindset can power you through those tough miles.

2. Gear Up for Success:

Choosing the right gear can make all the difference in your running experience. Find your perfect fit with running shoes that offer the right support and cushioning for your feet and running style. Opt for moisture-wicking apparel to stay cool and comfortable, and don't forget accessories like a hat or sunglasses. If you're planning a longer run or need to carry essentials, consider the Orange Mud Gear Vest or Endurance Pack V3.0 for lightweight, breathable storage options.

3. Fuel Your Run:

Don't let hunger pangs slow you down. Pack easily digestible snacks like energy gels, chews, or fruits to keep your energy levels up during longer runs. The convenient pockets in Orange Mud hydration packs make it easy to access your fuel without breaking stride.

4. Mindful Movement:

Running is not just about speed; it's about efficiency and injury prevention. Pay attention to your posture, stride, and breathing to improve your form and reduce the risk of getting hurt. If you're unsure, consult a running coach or check out instructional videos online. And remember, listen to your body! If you're feeling pain or discomfort, don't push through it.

5. Handle the Elements:

Mother Nature can be unpredictable, so be prepared for whatever the weather throws your way. Dress in layers that you can easily shed or add as needed. The Orange Mud "Defy" Ultra Light Wind Breaker is a great option for added protection without sacrificing breathability. And always remember sun protection – sunscreen, sunglasses, and a hat are your best friends on sunny days.

6. Mix It Up:

Variety is the spice of life, and it's also the key to keeping your running routine fresh and exciting. Explore new trails or running paths to challenge yourself with different terrains. Incorporate intervals or hill repeats to boost your cardiovascular fitness and endurance.

7. Stay Motivated:

Staying motivated is essential for long-term running success. Find a running buddy or join a group for support and accountability. Set realistic goals and track your progress to celebrate your achievements. And don't forget the power of a good playlist – music can be a fantastic motivator!

8. Post-Run Recovery:

Recovery is just as important as the run itself. Take the time to cool down with a gentle walk or jog and stretch your muscles. Rehydrate with water or a sports drink and refuel with a nutritious snack or meal within 30 minutes of finishing your run. Remember, rest days are important too!

9. Enjoy the Journey:

Running should be a fun and rewarding experience. Soak in the scenery, appreciate the fresh air, and celebrate every step of your journey. Whether you're running solo, with a friend, or with your furry companion, make the most of every moment.

10. Gear Up with Orange Mud:

Orange Mud Gear

From hydration packs to apparel, Orange Mud has the gear to support your running adventures. Explore our collection and find the perfect tools to help you achieve your goals.


  • Listen to your body. If you experience pain, stop and rest.
  • Stay safe. Be aware of your surroundings and take precautions when running in low-light conditions or unfamiliar areas.

Happy running!